2023 has been an incredibly busy year for Pulse – not only have we significantly grown our digital estate, our NHS hospital network and our advertiser client base, but we’ve grown our team, too!

Earlier in the year we started working with Emma Broughton Turner, a marketing consultant to create a strategic marketing plan for 2024 and we have now brought on Louise Head, as our Marketing Manager, who is already proving an integral part of the Pulse team. Together they have implemented fresh new ideas and developed long term strategies that will ensure that Pulse not only continues to deliver for our partners and clients, but ramps up that service and delivery exponentially.

“We started this year celebrating our first ten years, and we are ending it with a whole new vision for the next ten. Pulse is entering a new and exciting phase, with a new Marketing Manager to deliver our strategy. Louise fully understands who we are and shares our passion for what we do. This isn’t just about the success of Pulse as a business, it’s about ensuring that we fulfil our promise to generate as much revenue for our NHS partners as possible, by communicating to brands and organisations why hospitals offer such a unique, valuable and effective environment within which to reach our audience. We’re incredibly fortunate to have exceptional marketeers as part of our team and I’m truly excited for the future” – Marion, Managing Director

Louise has specialised in marketing and events since 2010. A fourth generation jeweller, she launched her own jewellery company (Willow and Waterhouse) during the lockdown of 2020. She particularly enjoys travel and when she’s not working – or travelling – you’ll find her at the beach with her family.

To find out more about Pulse and our marketing plans please get in touch, email louise@pulseoutdoor.co.uk or call 020 7305 5859.

Published On: November 23rd, 2023Categories: NewsTags: , , By
