One of our most important campaigns to run over the Christmas and New Year period was our first for Bliss, the charity for babies born premature or sick.

The campaign aimed to raise awareness of Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV), a common virus that causes cold-like symptoms, so many parents don’t realise that their babies don’t just have a common cold until/unless symptoms develop or worsen. The virus can be worrying enough in itself, but RSV can cause serious illness, including bronchiolitis and viral pneumonia, which can be critical in premature babies, or those with underlying medical conditions.

On behalf of Bliss, we worked with our hospital partners to develop a bespoke estate of A1 poster panels that directly targeted the NICUs and SCBUs. The campaign was embraced by the staff working in these departments, who know that it is of vital importance to ensure that parents are aware of the condition and what to look out for.

If you would like to find out more about how Pulse can help you target specialist hospital clinics and departments, please get in touch via or by calling 020 7305 5859.


Published On: January 19th, 2022Categories: NewsBy
