Pulse’s digital presence within the Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust increased today with our latest D6 going live in City Hospital. The new screen becomes part of a Nottingham city network, alongside our other screens at Queen’s Medical Centre and the Nottingham Treatment Centre.

The wall-mounted screen is in prime position in the main – extremely busy – outpatient department and has been welcomed by staff and advertisers alike.

As with all of our screens, we share the display time with the hospital itself, helping it to deliver important messages to patients, visitors and staff. And as with all of our formats, we also share revenue wiht the Trust, delivering valuable income direct to the NHS.

If you would like to find out more about digital hospital advertising opportunities in Nottingham and elsewhere – or are a Trust interested in working with us – please get in touch via info@pulseoutdoor.com or by calling 020 7305 5859.



Published On: July 13th, 2022Categories: NewsBy
