Where better to reach the many people in the UK who are living with diabetes than in the Diabetes clinic of their local hospital? Which is exactly why Diabetes UK reached out to us.

Their latest campaign carries bright and positive imagery that reinforces the strapline ‘THIS IS MY GYM’. The message is clear: moving more is good for your diabetes and you don’t have to go to the gym. Whether you’re dancing in the kitchen, walking home from the shops or going for a walk and a chat with a friend, you’ll feel better and be better able to manage your diabetes.

This campaign utilised our targeted A1 poster panels within diabetes clinics across England and Wales.

If you would like to find out more about how Pulse can help you target specialist hospital clinics and departments, please get in touch via info@pulseoutdoor.com or by calling 020 7305 5859



Published On: March 5th, 2022Categories: NewsBy
