Pulse’s poster panels within NHS hospitals are once again proving invaluable in enabling health charities to reach those most in need of their help and support. UK charity Breast Cancer Now has a vision to make sure that by 2050 everyone with breast cancer lives, and lives well. The campaign is running nationally and specifically targeting breast clinics with A1 posters and information leaflets.

The charity formed in 2019, uniting Breast Cancer Now and Breast Cancer Care to become the UK’s’ most comprehensive breast cancer charity. They combined their expertise and heritage in caring, campaigning and fundraising, and know what is needed to make a real change for those affected. Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women in the UK, with one woman diagnosed every 10 minutes (that’s around 55,000 women every single year). And it’s not just a disease that affects women, around 370 men are diagnosed annually, too.

Pulse is pleased to play just a small part in raising awareness of this great charity and helping those affected find support.

If you would like to find out more about how to target clinical departments within NHS hospitals, please get in touch via info@pulseoutdoor.com or by calling 020 7305 5859.





Published On: July 31st, 2021Categories: NewsBy
