
NHS trust advertising 6-sheet poster for British Heart Foundation

95% of patients read posters in hospitals.
Source: NHS

Boots poster with leaflet dispenser in NHS trust

81% of patients read the leaflets.
Source: NHS

Macmillan poster in NHS trusts

Most Trusts are looking for practical and controlled commercial opportunities. Our hospital partners will verify that Pulse operates only within agreed parameters and strictly within individual site protocols.

There are always questions, so here we have tried to address the most common but do please contact us with any others you may have.

We begin with a mutually agreed advertising category exclusion list. The result is only screened and appropriate advertisers. Thereafter, Trusts still have the final veto on all advertising.

Responsibility for all the posters, panels and other formats, rests entirely with Pulse. We have Public Liability Insurance up to £5 million and our installation team for up to £10m.

Nothing beyond agreeing locations for poster panels or alternative formats, sanctioning advertisers and the final advertising copy.

Pulse invoices each advertiser and pays the Trust an agreed share of all advertising revenues and other commercial income streams we agree to collaborate on.

Most of our Trust partnerships are led by either the Communications or the Estates & Facilities teams. Increasingly, we are also finding that Trusts are appointing dedicated Commercial teams.

All feedback indicates that the posters are a useful source of information and distraction for patients and visitors. They also add interest to often stark clinical settings.
When any panel is unused for a short period, they are made available for internal Trust messaging.