It’s safe to say that the last eighteen months have been some of the most stressful most of us have ever known, and for nobody more so than the amazing teams within the NHS who have worked tirelessly to save lives and keep us safe. So we were really pleased to be asked to be asked by Headspace to promote their offer to all NHS staff via our hospital posters.
Headspace is an app that promotes and teaches meditation and mindfulness with the aim of alleviating stress and anxiety, improving sleep and encouraging users to be more present. Whilst this is something that that will, we’re sure, be of interest to all visitors to our hospitals, that it’s available free of charge to all staff is really something worth celebrating and that we know many have appreciated.
So, well done, Headspace! ?
If you would like to find out more about how to reach NHS staff via hospital advertising, please get in touch via or by calling 020 7305 5859.