Continuing to extend our geographic coverage, the Pulse digital network now includes Warrington Hospital and The Captain Sir Tom Moore Building in Runcorn. Having partnered with the Warrington and Halton Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust since 2013, we are delighted to move to this next phase.
The screens are in main entrances and outpatient waiting rooms (including our first in antenatal), giving advertisers a fantastic opportunity to reach their audience, whilst providing an essential comms tool for the Trust, that also delivers valuable revenue.
Pat McLaren, the Trust’s Director of Communications and Engagement, welcomed the development:
Delighted to see fabulous Pulse digital screens and totems go live at our hospitals: clean, smart, eye catching. Really valuable to have a share of the display for our own messaging – which we fully adapt and control and change at will – all at no cost to the Trust. Full approval of any commercial advertising – and good source of additional income for the NHS in these challenging times.
If you would like to find out more about digital hopsital advertising opportunities in Warrington and Runcorn – and elsewhere – or are a Trust interested in working with us, please get in touch via or by calling 020 7305 5859.