The latest addition to be warmly welcomed into Pulse’s growing hospital estate is Chesterfield Royal Hospital, which serves a North Derbyshire population of more than 400,000 people. Perhaps best known for the crooked spire of the Church of St Mary and All Saints that dominates its skyline, Chesterfield is the area’s largest market town with the stunning Peak District on its doorstep.
Chesterfield Royal is the only acute district general hospital and as well as fulfilling over 231,000 outpatient appointments every year, it also provides a 24-hour emergency department service. The Trust employs over 4,500 staff members and sees 2,600 babies born every year.
As well as our usual poster formats, Chesterfield will be one of our first Trusts to have digital panels installed, and sponsorship opportunities will also be available.
For more information please contact or call us on 020 7305 5859